FarmVille Raffle Booth Goals: Everything you need to know


As with most "contests" in the real world, the Raffle Booth in FarmVille boils down to more luck than actual skill. If you're looking for something to test your gameplay abilities, though, why not try out the accompanying Raffle Booth goals? There are just three goals available here, so let's get started working on them immediately, shall we?

Get in the Game

  • Place the Ticket Booth

  • Get 6 Raffle Drums

  • Receive six Raffle Tickets

For both the Raffle Drums and the Raffle Tickets, you'll need to ask your friends to help you out by sending them to you. For finishing this first goal, you'll receive a Carnival Gnome, 100 XP, 2,500 coins and three Raffle Tickets.

Time to Play

  • Receive 9 Raffle Tickets

  • Harvest 50 Fruit Crops

  • Harvest 100 Potatoes

Luckily, it doesn't look to matter which kinds of fruit crops you plant, so you should be able to plant anything without penalty, in theory. Once you've completed these three tasks, you'll earn 100 XP, 2,500 coins three Raffle Tickets and a Chicken.
Play to Win

  • Get 6 Raffle Posters

  • Harvest 100 Vegetable Crops

  • Receive 9 Raffle Tickets

While nine Raffle Tickets doesn't sound like a lot, remember that you're only allowed to earn six in a single day. This means that you could possibly wait the better part of two days as you try to earn just nine tickets. Also, it (again) doesn't look like there's a specific vegetable crop we need to plant, so go for whatever is easiest for you at the time. Finish off this goal and you'll earn 100 XP, 2,500 coins, three Raffle Tickets and a free Coin Tree!

If new goals are added to this series in the future, we'll make sure to let you know. For now though, enjoy running through these goals while they're available, as they won't be around after the next two weeks.

[Via FarmVilleFreak]

Check out the rest of our FarmVille Cheats & Tips right here.

What do you think of the Raffle Booth goals? Do you think you'll be able to complete them in time, before they expire? What do you think of the Raffle Booth in general? Sound off in the comments.
