Only in FarmVille would money start growing on trees; Coin Tree found

Money Tree
Money Tree

Leave it to Zynga to take a cliche and turn it into the real deal ... sort of. Several players have noticed that, in the FarmVille Mastery Charts for trees, a Coin Tree has appeared around the fourth page. The tree, of course, will have Mastery ratings when released.

So far, we know that its first tier of Mastery will take 75 harvests to reach, but its Level 2 form is currently not listed. (The logical progression would be a Farm Cash Tree, no? Keep dreaming.)

The tree is not available on the Market yet. But there's one thing that's bugging us: Trees already provide Coins when harvested, so what will make this one so special? Will it provide more coins than normal trees? That's the only possibility we can imagine at the moment.

Coin Tree Mastery
Coin Tree Mastery

That being said, our wild speculation for the day (so far) is that this tree will either be a reward for one seriously challenging Goal or be put on sale for Farm Cash. Call us cynical, but our bet is on the latter--prove us wrong, Zynga.

[Via FarmVille Freak]

Have you seen the Coin Tree in your Mastery chart? When and how do you hope this tree will be released, and what will that Level 2 tree be? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
