Tweet Your Way to a Home Sale

tweet home sale
tweet home sale

We use the Web for everything else these days, so why not as a way to sell our houses? A PR consultant and reader of Menlo Park, Calif., Patch thinks it's an idea whose time has come. According to Kevin Wolf, using social networks like Facebook and Twitter beats the traditional MLS on speed and trust -- and he's so convinced that he's using social tools to sell his own house. What do you think -- will we all be Tweeting to sell our houses soon? Let us know in the comments below.

I have a feeling the real estate industry is about to be transformed by the power of the Internet. The upside to property owners and property buyers is simply too great to ignore. For fun, as well as for practical reasons, I've decided to test this theory.

Around here, we use the Web for everything. So, why not for selling our homes?
