FarmVille Summer Animals: Beach Ball Ram and Candycane Boar


I know what you're thinking. Did two animals actually launch in the FarmVille store outside of the "scheduled" Wednesday and Sunday night release windows? You betcha! What's more, these two animals are males that can be bred, making for some fun new patterns being added to the Sheep and Pig Breeding catalogs.

The Beach Ball Ram comes first, with his lovely blue and pink colors, and 30 Farm Cash price tag (yikes). If you're just interested in purchasing him as a pet, rather than for breeding, you won't earn much of a profit out of him, as he can only be harvested from every three days. Meanwhile, if you're a Pig Breeder instead, you can purchase a Candycane Boar. Don't get discouraged by his dark red color though. This Boar is actually of the color-changing variety, as the stripes stay one color, and the rest of his body cycles through the rainbow. Suddenly, this 20 Farm Cash price tag seems a bit more worth it. Just so we're clear, the Candycane Boar is the only one that changes colors; the Beach Ball Ram does not.

As both of these animals are part of the Summer theme, they are limited edition and will only be available for the next two weeks. Will we see these patterns or varieties of animals released elsewhere in the future? That much remains to be seen, but do you really want to take the chance that they aren't?

What do you think of both of these breeding animals? Will you purchase either of them for your Sheep Pens or Pig Pens? Let us know in the comments.
