Fireworks Tips to Keep You Safe This Fourth of July

Small fireworks
Small fireworks

Never underestimate the power behind sparklers, bottle rockets and small firecrackers -- they sent 1,900 people to the hospital last year, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

The CPSC recently issued a safety alert and video and also released a 2010 death and injury report on fireworks in advance of the holiday weekend. The agency said 8,600 were hurt last year by fireworks -- 40% of whom were children younger than 15. And most of those hurt were injured in the 30 days around the Fourth of July. Three people died last year because of fireworks.

"From purchase to ignition, know how you and your family can stay safe and which fireworks are allowed in your state if fireworks are part of your July 4th celebration," CPSC Chairman Inez Tenenbaum said in a statement. "Never assume that a fireworks device is safe based on its size, and never allow young children to play with or light fireworks. By knowing the dangers of all types of fireworks, consumers can prevent tragedies."
