FrontierVille: Read Newsstand updates without leaving your Homestead


While we've all likely been busy completing our Rodeo Arenas or Fowl Ponds in FrontierVille, FrontierVille Legend has spotted something you might have missed: the Newsstand now allows you to view all of your friends' headlines without actually traveling to their Homesteads.

What does this mean in the long term? Well, if you're the kind that likes collecting all of the game's Badges, you'll now have a much easier time at finding those players whose classifieds you can respond to for progress on the Donator Badge. Additionally, as you'll be able to read your friends' published messages at any time, you'll know when a friend needs help with a particular task, and can better plan when to visit and when to (perhaps) wait.

To see this new feature, all you have to do is click on your Newsstand and then click on the "Friends' Papers" button in the drop-down menu that appears. From there, you'll see a large menu showing you each and every one of your friends' current classifieds. You can scroll from page to page where applicable, and can even instantly jump to that players' Homestead, should they have asked for your immediate help.

Unfortunately, this doesn't remove the newspaper classified window that appears when you visit those friends, but hey, at least you'll know where to expect to see them from now on.

[Via FrontierVille Legend]

Will you use this new Newsstand feature to keep a better eye on what your friends are up to on their land? Let us know in the comments.
