FrontierVille: Turn an Ugly Duckling into a Swan with Sardine Snacks


A new "injured" critter has been added to FrontierVille this evening, to go along with the launch of the Fowl Pond animal storage building. This critter is the Ugly Duckling, and you can bring one out on your land by tending Swans. Remember, if you need additional Swans, you can earn them at random by collecting the finished Fowl Pond's Daily Bonus.

Once you have an Ugly Duckling on your land, you'll need to turn it into a beautiful swan via the use of Sardine Snacks, which are just like Bottles or Berries, in that you'll need to ask your friends to send these Sardines to you, and then feed them only to the Ugly Duckling until its transformation.

After this ugly duckling has been transformed into a Swan, you'll be able to keep the Swan on your land to look at, or store it back inside the Fowl Pond, completing the cycle. Hopefully, this won't be the last of the Fowl Pond-themed critters released in the game, and we'll make sure to let you know if/when more are released in the future.

Check out the rest of our FrontierVille Cheats & Tips right here.

What do you think of these Ugly Ducklings? Will you help turn them into Swans, or are you tired of the "Injured Critter" feature altogether? Let us know in the comments.
