FrontierVille Fowl Pond Goals: Everything you need to know


Check out our Fowl Pond Building Guide here.

To go along with the release of the Fowl Pond in FrontierVille comes a trio of new goals that should do well to keep you busy while you work on constructing the Pond itself. It should be noted that receiving these goals is dependent on you actually placing the Fowl Pond on your land, so (as of this writing), they are entirely voluntary, as they won't even show up to you if you don't "want" them to.

The first of these three goals is called "Duck, Duck..." and it asks you to feed some of the new Ducks available in the game's store.

Feed 15 Ducks on your Homestead
Clear 15 Debris on Neighbors' Homesteads
Clobber Two Foxes

The only ducks that will count for this mission are the Ducks that you can now purchase from the store. As we told you in our guide to building the Fowl Pond, this new Duck is available for 261 coins (with the store discount), and can be harvested from once every 3.5 hours. For finishing this first goal (the Foxes can also be brought out from Ducks, speeding up the process), you'll receive 300 coins, 300 XP, and one Goose Ready Boost.

Moving on, goal two is called "Goose!" Get the joke? Duck Duck... Goose! Clever Zynga. For this one, you'll need to collect quite a few items from friends, so get ready to click that "Ask" button.

Feed 30 Adult Geese on your Homestead
Collect 15 Pond Scum Kits
Harvest 30 Corn

Remember, you don't actually have to have 30 Adult Geese already on your land, as you can simply wait for the same Goose to become hungry again to feed it a second or even third time, all depending on how many times it takes to reach 30 in total. For finishing this second goal, you'll receive 500 coins, 500 XP and one Downy Feather.

Finally, the third goal in this series is called "Egg-Citing Surprises!" and it will require you to have finished building the Fowl Pond to complete.

Collect 3 Fowl Pond Daily Bonuses
Store 100 Animals in the Fowl Pond
Collect 20 Crushed Oyster Shells

As a reminder, the Fowl Pond can store only adult Swans, Ducks (including Injured Ducks), Turtles, Frogs, Geese and Penguins. It doesn't matter which animals you store, and in which combination, so long as you reach 100. It may also be possible to remove animals from the Pond only to re-store them as has been the case in the past (that is, ignoring the 100 total animal limit altogether), but we haven't had a chance to try out that "exploit" just yet. No matter how you get there, once you finish this goal, you'll receive 750 coins, 750 XP and a Fowl Statue for your land.

And there you have it. These goals don't seem too difficult, and with only three to complete, they shouldn't bog you down for too long before moving onto other things.

Check out the rest of our FrontierVille Cheats & Tips right here.

What do you think of these FrontierVille Fowl Pond goals? Will you place the Fowl Pond to begin these goals, or will you ignore the Fowl Pond (and therefore these goals) altogether? Let us know in the comments.
