FrontierVille: Earn 7 free Horseshoes from MasterCard Marketplace

FrontierVille horseshoe
FrontierVille horseshoe

Check out the bottom of your FrontierVille game for a banner from MasterCard Marketplace and after answering two simple survey questions, you'll be rewarded with 7 free Horseshoes, which is the game's premium currency. While not a huge payout, 7 Horseshoes is still a hefty offer. This MasterCard promotion follows on the heels of last week's 5 free Farm Cash on FarmVille. Obviously, MasterCard is eager to get the word out on their new service.

So what is MasterCard Marketplace? Well, in the spirit of sites like GroupOn, LivingSocial, etc, MasterCard Marketplace is a coupon network and daily deals aggregator. Basically, you only need to visit one place to find out what's on sale at tons of other places. This one place will tell you how much you'll save and how long each sale will last. Currently, unique features with MasterCard Marketplace seems to be that they like showcasing 50% discounts, a reward points system, and many personalization options for signing up. But yeah, enough about that -- grab those 7 free horseshoes while you can!

FrontierVille 7 free horseshoes
FrontierVille 7 free horseshoes

MasterCard MarketPlace
MasterCard MarketPlace
