FrontierVille: Past Mystery Animal Crates re-released for FrontierVille's birthday celebration


FrontierVille on Facebook is about to turn a year old, and to celebrate, Zynga has re-released tons of Mystery Animal Crates for a limited time in the game's store. Luckily, you only have two price points to choose from - either 25 or 30 Horseshoes - leaving you to choose more based on the type of animal you'd like to receive, rather than which crate will be the least damaging to your wallet.

To be clear, you can pick up the Christmas animals from 2010's Winter Holiday event, some spooky animals from Halloween, or even some kissing Mystery Animals from Valentine's Day. The choice is yours as to which crate to splurge on, but regardless of your choice, you'll only have the next five days to shop. At the end of this time, it's likely that we'll see these crates once again ripped the from the store, only to be seen again far, far into the future.

Will you take this opportunity to buy additional Mystery Animal Crates? Which animals did you miss out on before that you're hoping to snag this time around? Let us know in the comments.
