E3 2011: The Sims: Medieval on iPhone wants you to party like its 1399


Forget 1999 (sorry Prince), the new hotness is the Medieval era, and EA Interactive is going to take you there in the Sims Medieval. This Sims game is really like no other, as it plays more like a linear RPG than a free-roaming life simulation. You'll create a "hero," via the expected multiple customization options (available in both the iOS and PC versions) and you'll then take that hero on a fairly straightforward journey from a small hovel all of the way to fame, fortune and a castle to call home.

Unlike in other Sims titles, where wishes or desires will simply come to your Sim over time via their own AI and personalities, here, you have to interact with other Sims to receive quests. You'll need to talk to the Sims to discover their likes and dislikes and then use those to your advantage to gain more information. For instance, in our demo period with the iPhone version of the game, we were introduced to a military man who loved speaking of war. After learning this and continuing to amuse him in conversation, he became our acquaintance and gave us a task.
