Earn 3 free FarmVille Farm Cash in Capital One promotion


If you're in need of a few extra FarmVille Farm Cash, Zynga has launched a new cross-promotional activity with Capital One that will reward you with three Farm Cash for simply watching a video and taking a short "quiz." You'll find the Capital One activity in the Sponsored Link [pictured] located underneath your FarmVille gameplay area.

This video features the Visigoths, who always seem to find their way into mischief while showing you how you can use your Capital One credit card. You won't exactly have to pay attention to the video though, as the quiz is more of a survey than anything really testing your memory or knowledge. You will have a fill-in-the-blank question at the end of the activity, but again, this doesn't slow things down and you'll have your free Farm Cash in a matter of seconds. If they don't automatically update into your game, simply refresh FarmVille and that should force things to go into place.

To see the in-game Capital One promotional items (including avatar costumes and a double mastery statue), check this out.

Have you found the Capital One promotion underneath your FarmVille gameplay area? Will you complete this activity for three free Farm Cash? Let us know in the comments.
