Activision wants Call of Duty Elite to blow your mind with features

Call of Duty Elite
Call of Duty Elite

How does free career tracking, access to mobile apps and Facebook Connect (and more) sound for Activision's upcoming social network for all things Call of Duty, known as Elite? Is that not enough for ya? No? Then how about detailed heat maps that track your kills and deaths on any map? OK, enough questions, but now you feel like we did when reading this statement from Activision (our heads were spinning, is yours yet?).

If CoD Elite lives up to all of these features--hell, even a few of them--it certainly has a chance of living up to its claims of "The Best Free Service on the Market." (Bold words, guys.) Not to mention there will be a paid service as well that will add even more to the 13--seriously--bullet points this FAQ details, including instant access to DLC at no additional charge. Keep in mind that pricing has yet to be revealed, which leaves one giant "what if." Come on, we're all thinking it. If you need some help being pushed over the fence, why not read the full release in full behind the break?
