FarmVille GagaVille Higher Goal: Everything you need to know [Update]


Update: It seems that some time during the night, Zynga changed the "Visit GagaVille" requirement to "Get Five Secret Ingredients." You can earn these ingredients via individual gift requests sent to friends.

While Lady Gaga's Born this Way album may have been released earlier this week, the GagaVille festivities haven't stopped in FarmVille, as tonight sees the release of Goal 9: Higher, that happens to be the most difficult (or should I say, time consuming) goal yet. Unless you're a farmer with tons of unplowed, free land, or unless your crops are currently ready to harvest, you'll need to wait until you have 200 plots of free land before you can finish this one off.

Visit GagaVille
Get 5 Secret Ingredients (see update above)
Plan 100 Crystals
Plant 100 Chrome Daisies

If you'd like to finish this quest rather quickly, see if you can rearrange some of your decorations and other items on your farm to make room for these plots. Also, if your English Countryside farm is still rather empty, feel free to complete this goal there as progress carries over. Either way, once you complete this quest (that is, if you can complete it within its one-day time limit), you'll receive 100 XP, 2,500 coins and 1 Gaga Instant Grow. Considering how these daily quests keep getting more complex, you might hold onto this item until at least tomorrow evening to see if a new goal releases that could benefit from some fast-growing crops.

Check out the rest of our GagaVille coverage right here. >

What do you think of tonight's goal? Will you save your Instant Grow until Double Mastery has been turned on, or will you simply use it right away on a slow-growing crop? Sound off in the comments.
