FrontierVille Orchard Goals: Everything you need to know


It's official folks - the Orchard is on its way to FrontierVille! While we may not have exact details as to what building the Orchard structure itself will entail, we can give you a sneak peek of the Orchard's Goals to give you an idea of what to expect when the Orchard does start rolling out (presumably within the next few hours of this writing).

The Orchard goal line consists of four different Goals. Remember, as these goals are as-of-now unreleased, they are subject to change at any time. Here's what's required in Part I of IV:

Tend 10 Apple Trees
Hire 2 Neighbors
Place the Orchard on your Homestead

It looks like you have to tend Apple Trees on your own land, and now a Neighbors' so keep that in mind. For finishing this first quest, you'll receive 300 XP.
