FrontierVille glitch stunts tree growth, have yours stopped growing?

FrontierVille Tree Stump
FrontierVille Tree Stump

No, this isn't a result of catastrophic climate change in FrontierVille. (That's reserved for the real world.) According to FrontierVille Info, several players have reported that their Trees have simply stopped growing. The fan site attributes this to a minor glitch in the game that has prevented Trees in all states from growing beyond the point they were at before the bug hit.

Some of of you might noticed sprouts that have stopped, well, sprouting or stumps that simply won't recover. While players report issues with growth of all things all the time, this appears to be a specific issue with trees that the Zynga has yet to address. Perhaps it is already working on a fix. Either way, sit tight as we're sure your Trees will start touching the skies again soon.

Have you experienced this glitch in FrontierVille? If you've reported this to Zynga, how has the team responded? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
