Live in San Francisco? Earn money by playing FishVille


Do you live in San Francisco and spent time playing FishVille? A Palo Alto company is doing research into the playing habits of gamers and is looking for players to come into their office and earn $9.00 an hour for playing FishVille while being studied. Sounds pretty neat, doesn't it? $9.00 per hour isn't exactly a liveable wage, but it could make for some nice extra change for someone looking to supplement their income. And who doesn't like to be paid for playing Facebook games?

At this point, it's unclear which company this is or why they picked FishVille. Chances are good that it is another competing Facebook company who might be working on an aquarium themed game. Many times, gaming companies will do in-house user testing to see what players enjoy and dislike about other games so that they can use the knowledge for developing the next great hit.

To participate, send an email to the address on the Craigslist ad, and make sure to include your current level in FishVille for consideration.

[via SF Bay Craigslist]
