FarmVille GagaVille Born This Way Quest 5: Everything you need to know


Tonight's FarmVille update sees the launch of the fifth quest in the GagaVille quest line. Don't be confused when you see the name of this quest though, as it's the same as yesterday's - Born This Way. Tonight's "Born This Way" quest asks you to once again visit GagaVille, and also puts to use some of the VIP tickets I hope you've been saving all week.

Visit GagaVille
Buy a Tree
Have 6 VIP Tickets

The tree can be any non-limited edition tree currently available in the store. There are some trees that go for coins, like the Orange Tree which sells for just 425 coins. All in all, this is a relatively inexpensive quest, just like many of the others. For finishing tonight's quest, you'll receive three prizes: a Spiky Tree, 100 XP and 2,500 coins. You'll also receive continued access to listen to the entirety of Lady Gaga's new Born This Way album.

As usual, this quest is only available to complete for 24 hours, so make sure to earn any tickets you need as soon as you can in order to finish this quest in time.

Check out the rest of our GagaVille coverage right here >

What do you think of Lady Gaga's entire album? Are you enjoying the simplicity of these GagaVille quests? Let us know in the comments.
