Can Disney's Playdom stay in the ring with Zynga and EA's Playfish?

Can Playdom still play Rock'Em Sock'Em?
Can Playdom still play Rock'Em Sock'Em?

Surprisingly, Playdom has had quite the rough time since it was bought out by Disney last summer for a huge $563 million. And according to the Los Angeles Times, financial and media analysts foresee the developer facing a steep uphill battle to play again in the big leagues. Playdom's monthly player base dropped from its 40 million peak to just 25 million today since the Mickey Mouse money machine took over, according to AppData. That was thanks to a five-month drought of new games in 2010 as the company evaluated quality and boosted technical capacity. Now, after Disney Interactive posted over $915 million in losses over the past four years, analysts are voicing concerns.
