FarmVille: Earn a free Disco Ball Tree with Farm Cash purchase


Another limited time Farm Cash promotion has launched in FarmVille, with Zynga giving users the opportunity to purchase one of three basic Farm Cash packages to receive a Disco Ball Tree as a prize (in addition to the Farm Cash you actually purchased).

The three packages range from $1 for 4 Farm Cash to $20 for 115 Farm Cash. While these are the standard prices, the Disco Ball Tree does change things slightly. When first released in the store, you would have had to purchase a Disco Ball Tree for 15 Farm Cash. Then again, the Disco Ball Tree now also shows up for free as a Mystery Seedling from a Confetti Tree, so you could technically have a whole forest worth of them on your farm already, depending on how many trees you've gathered.

So, is this promotion worth it? It's not like the Farm Cash has actually been discounted by a great amount (less than a dollar has been taken off of each package's original price), and the Disco Ball Tree has a greatly diminished value thanks to the Mystery Seedling feature. Ultimately, the answer to that question will be up to you, but you'll need to decide fast - this offer will only be available for the next two days.

What do you think of this Farm Cash prize? Do you think the Disco Ball Tree is a great incentive object for people to purchase Farm Cash, or should we be offered something we can't get anywhere else? Sound off in the comments.
