We're Seeking Your Best Tips for Summer Road Trips


June is just over the horizon, bringing with it sunny days, school breaks and summer vacations. But with gas prices still high and most Americans still pinching pennies, it seems likely that quite a few flights to the Bahamas and trips to Disney World will be supplanted by staycations, punctuated by the occasional visit to a nearby attraction or state park.

Then again, there's a classic bargain option that can help travel-hungry families get out of the house without emptying out their wallets: the great American road trip. Whether you're piling the kids in the car for the yearly trek to Grandma's house or speeding off in to destinations unknown, road trips can be fun, reasonably priced and exciting.

There are plenty of sites that offer suggestions for cheap vacations, or advice on ways to save pennies while on the road. However, in the interests of finding a new perspective, we're turning the question over to you, our readers. What do you do to save money on your road trips? What are your favorite places to visit and your top strategies for getting to them? In short, how do you enjoy your summer vacations without bankrupting yourself?

If you have any interesting or innovative vacation methods, please write them in the comments section of this article, or e-mail them to me at bruce.watson@teamaol.com. We will post the most interesting, unique and useful answers in an article in the coming weeks. In the meantime, enjoy the longer days and warmer weather. Summer is coming!
