FarmVille: GagaVille Gem Trees now appearing from Mystery Seedlings


And it's official! The rollout of GagaVille items in FarmVille has started, with the two Gem Trees now appearing as Mystery Seedlings in the game. FVNation has the proof that you'll be able to claim not just one, but both of the trees (the regular-sized Gem Tree and the Giant Gem Tree) from seedlings either earned from your own Orchards or those claimed off of your Facebook news feed.

While this is exciting, it does leave a question looming - will these trees be available in the market, if they're also available as Mystery Seedlings? It's likely, but the fact that we're now being given a "free" option does lead me to believe that the store prices will be mighty high, as (presumably) the team at Zynga might want to capitalize on the fact that people don't want to wait to earn them otherwise.

Either way, we'll make sure to bring you all of the news concerning the launch of GagaVille in Facebook, so keep checking back!

[Image Credit: FVNation]

What do you think of these new trees? Have you received either type of Gem Tree from a Mystery Seedling? Let us know in the comments.
