FarmVille: Bushels will soon be available from both neighbors' farms


Community Manager Lexilicious posted an interesting announcement today on the official FarmVille forums. Soon, users will be able to purchase crafting Bushels from their friends regardless of which farm that friend is currently active on. That is, similar to the way you can only visit the farm that your neighbors' last visited, you currently can only purchase a neighbors' bushels that were grown on that farm.

With this future update, however, you'll be able to buy the same friends' bushels from both of their farms, even if they aren't current active there. To further explain, let's say that your neighbor John has English Pea bushels in the English Countryside and Sunflower bushels on his Home Farm. You'll be able to buy bushels from both of those farms, even though John is only currently working on one of them.

From my own experience, it seems that this update will really help those players with fewer neighbors, who don't have as many possibilities for new bushels each day, but really, everyone can benefit from added selection, right?

Do you think you'll personally benefit from being able to shop from both players' farms when you shop for Bushels? What other differences do you think should be made to Crafting? Let us know in the comments.
