Cafe World Open Mic Night Goals: Everything you need to know


A set of five new goals has slowly started rolling out to Cafe World players today called "Open Mic Night." This set of goals coincides with the release of a new item theme in the game's store, which is long overdue (that is, any update is better than the drought we've had recently).

The first goal in this series sees you starting small, cooking just ten dishes, but then asks for a pretty high coin amount in the process.

Serve Atomic Buffalo Wings 5 Times
Serve BBQ Chicken 5 Times
Earn 50,000 coins

Atomic Buffalo Wings take three hours to cook, while BBQ Chicken takes five hours. Unfortunately, cooking just ten dishes isn't going to get you to the 50,000 coins barrier, so you'll either need to cook far more dishes (preferably those with high payouts), or simply sell items from your inventory to raise your in-game coin amount by 50,000 total. This first goal rewards you with the Microphone decoration for finishing.
