CityVille offers the glitz and glam with new Hollywood decorations


In addition to the rewards you'll receive by completing the Movie Star Goals in CityVille, you can also purchase a set of businesses, homes and decorations in the game's store in the same Hollywood theme.

For the lone Business, you can pick up the Bowling Alley, which costs just 6,000 coins. It needs 180 Goods to operate, and you'll be able to collect 765 coins of profit every time those Goods are used. Meanwhile, a single residence is also available to purchase - the Private Estate, which starts at a population of 120 that can be expanded to 220 citizens. It costs 7,500 coins and gives off 150 coins in profit regardless of the number of citizens "living" in it.

The other items are decorations, and you can find out all about them behind the break.
