Zynga, Lady Gaga, bring GagaVille to FarmVille: Clash of the 'Villes

Lady Gaga Born This Way
Lady Gaga Born This Way

Those rumored conversations between Zynga and Lady Gaga a few weeks back were no joke. In fact, it's worse than we thought: The two culture icons have merged into a single entity a la' Akira and are hell bent on culturally dominating the planet! Alright, so it's not that bad, but the two will clash, as GagaVille is coming to FarmVille on May 17. Ever since Lady Gaga gave a nice chunk of change to the Japanese earthquake victims through Zynga a while back, she and the multi-billion dollar company have been enjoying little chats. The result is likely the biggest brand integration both Zynga and Lady Gaga have ever experienced.
