CBS show Let's Make a Deal haggles its way to Facebook this fall

Let's Make a Deal
Let's Make a Deal

While a good portion of you whippersnappers might not even know what this is all about, be excited nonetheless. GameHouse, the social game development studio for RealNetworks, will launch Let's Make a Deal on Facebook this fall, USA Today reports. The adaptation of the nearly 50-year-old game show was made possible through a licensing deal with FreeMantleMedia Enterprises, and joins the ranks of Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy and Family Feud as game shows-turned-social games.

RealNetworks Senior Vice President Matt Hulett said that the game fits on Facebook "because the show's format already has all of the elements necessary to make a great social game. Let's Make a Deal has phenomenal consumer recognition and strong appeal. The show is a classic with a well-understood game premise ... (and) embodies personality and has a great sense of humor with its costumes and 'zonks.' Plus the mini-games format is sure to add variety, and there are terrific opportunities to personalize, customize and engage friends."
