Zynga puts the FarmVille podcast out to pasture


It's the end of an era here, folks. This afternoon, FarmVille Community Manager Lexilicious had the sad job of informing players that the Official FarmVille Podcast will no longer be recorded. Apparently, there just weren't enough farmers listening to the Podcast for Zynga to justify the writing, recording and producing efforts required to create one.

What does this mean for the coming soon sneak peeks? Luckily, Lexi alleviated concerns by stating that the coming soon information will be posted on the game's official forums, under the Announcements section. This will still be done once every other Friday, keeping with the Podcast's schedule, just in a completely text format instead.

Regardless of the change (which, ultimately, is rather small) we at Games.com - The Blog! aren't going anywhere, and will continue to bring you all of the latest rumors, news, tips and tricks for FarmVille, allowing you to make the most of the game as possible.

Are you sad to see the FarmVille Podcast being discontinued? Would you like to see any other game pick up the podcasting duties now that FarmVille has let them go? Let us know in the comments.
