FarmVille English Countryside Buildings: Castle Tower and Knight's Store


Now that the Royal Wedding is over in the real world, FarmVille has transitioned back into the English Countryside limited edition item theme this evening with the release of two new buildings, one of which will go perfectly with any massive castle you happen to be building. The Castle Tower costs 250,000 coins, so if you'd like to buy two (for symmetry), be prepared to fork over a lot of hard-earned coins to do so.

The other building is even harder on the wallet, as it goes for Farm Cash. The Knight's Store is an intricately designed building that will set you back 20 Farm Cash. Still, for the price you have a fairly large building, which I personally find to be one of the nicest (in terms of looks) I've seen released in this theme so far. If you're going for the true medieval village look on your farm, this isn't one you want to skip.

Both of these buildings will be available in the game for the next two weeks. After that time, these items will expire from the store, and you may never have a chance at them again. You don't want that, do you? Shop now while you still can.

Have you built a medieval village on your English Countryside farm? Will you add either of these items to it? Let us know in the comments.
