CityVille joins the Royal Wedding celebrations with new decorations

CityVille Royal Wedding
CityVille Royal Wedding

FarmVille and Nickelodeon'sRoyal Wedding Run aren't the only games to celebrate Prince William and Kate Middleton's fateful union anymore. Zynga has updated CityVille with four new decorations to honor the Royal Wedding. The new items include a British Flag, which for 200 coins provides a 1 percent payout bonus, and the Royal Guard that, for 8 City Cash, offers the exact same bonus. The Waving Royal People is the same story, but even more expensive: 10 City Cash for 1 percent bonus. However, the Royal Palace Gate offers 4 percent payout bonus for 5 thousand coins. Regardless of whether these prices fit with a royal fellow's lavish lifestyle, we still call foul on their utility. But hey, at least they'll allow you celebrate right along with the Royal Family ... in Facebook.

[Source and Image Credit: CityVille Info]

Have you bought any of these items for your city? How do you plan to celebrate or honor the Royal Wedding, if at all? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
