10 Tips for a Better Tax Season Next Year

Have a better tax season
Have a better tax season

Tax Day is one of those days you probably find yourself thinking about for weeks on end. It's kind of like a reverse Christmas: You know it's coming because those of us in the media have been hyping it in the press for months. You mark it on your calendar and you take steps to get ready. And when the day finally arrives, it's a really big deal. But then, as fast as it comes, it's gone -- so you put everything away and forget about it until the next year rolls around.

Only that's not exactly what you should be doing. In fact, the weeks right after tax season are a great time to reflect upon what went right - and what didn't - with respect to your taxes and financial matters.

To help you learn from your mistakes -- or keep up your healthy habits -- following are the 10 best tips to learn from this past tax season and get ready for next one:
