CityVille Eating Contest Goals: Everything you need to know


What better way to celebrate the start of Spring than to stuff your mouth silly, eating anything and everything in site? Ok, so maybe that doesn't exactly scream of a Spring-like activity (maybe Summer, if you're an American), but either way, Zynga has decided to celebrate gluttony with a new goal series in CityVille, beginning with a quest called "Eating Contest."

As you might have guessed, Eating Contest deals with food, with you having to plant two crops to complete this first quest:

Ask friends for 3 Napkins
Harvest 40 Strawberries
Harvest 25 Corn

At least the napkins are a nice touch - we won't look completely sloppy while stuffing our faces. As for the crops, you'll be able to harvest Strawberries after just five minutes, while Corn takes one full day to grow.
