FarmVille Enchanted Love Trees: Wedding Tree & Giant Wedding Tree


While we already brought you the news that Giant Wedding Trees have been appearing in Mystery Seedlings in FarmVille, if you'd rather not wait until you're "lucky enough" to receive one, you can now purchase one from the store for 12 Farm Cash.

Or, say you've already received a few of these larger trees from friends or from your own Orchards, you can also purchase the smaller, "normal," version of this tree, the regular Wedding Tree, for 7 Farm Cash. Unfortunately, it looks like these 7 and 12 Farm Cash prices might be the new norm for price points on limited edition trees, rather than the 5 and 10 Farm Cash prices we had seen over the last few months. Will it cause a decrease in purchases? Only time will tell, but I don't know if I can stop myself from adding one (or more) of these trees to my collection - they're just so pretty!

These trees are part of the new Enchanted Love theme in the game, and will be available for the next two weeks.

Will you purchase either of these trees for your farm, or did you already receive enough Giant Wedding Trees from Mystery Seedlings? Let us know in the comments.
