FrontierVille: Clear debris to find shy Spring Ferret critter


Yet another new "injured" (or in this case "shy") critter has appeared in FrontierVille, with this newest animal being the Spring

Ferret. You'll find a Spring Ferret's burrow by clearing debris on your Homestead, and once you do, you'll need to make the decision of either helping the animal of abandoning it.

Should you choose to help it (and why wouldn't you, at least to say you've helped one), you'll need to collect Juicy Berries to lure the ferret out of the underground burrow. From out experience, it takes seven Juicy Berries to lure a single ferret out and onto your Homestead, where you can keep her as a new pet, along with your Spring Bears, Spring Quails and the like. The ferret itself is a tiny brown animal, as you can see by the picture at right, so at least helping one doesn't seem like such a big burden, for the little amount of space she takes up; plus, she's just so darn cute!

Have you found a Spring Ferret on your land yet? What do you think of this newest addition to the game's "critter family?" Let us know in the comments.
