Cafe World Spring is the Season Goals: Everything you need to know


Spring certainly is the season, at least for most Cafe World players, and Zynga is looking to celebrate the turn to better weather with a new series of goals to complete, and a new set of recipes to unlock in the game. The Spring is the Season goal set is eight parts long, meaning that you'll be spending quite a bit of time celebrating the change in seasons, unless you have some able-bodied friends, lots of stoves, or a lot of Cafe Cash to help you out.

The first goal is simple, and requires you to just cook two dishes and help in some of your friends' cafes.

Serve Pumpkin Pie 5 Times
Serve Super Chunk Fruit Salad 7 Times
Spice 3 Neighbors' Stoves

If you're like me, you likely won't see these goals appear in your own game (in terms of seeing the icon appear on the right side of your screen), and you'll need to force it to appear by either serving one of the dishes, or by spicing a friend's stove and then immediately clicking on the black progress window that appears in the top left corner of your screen. Pumpkin Pie takes 12 hours to cook, while the Fruit Salad takes just 15 minutes.
