FarmVille LE English Countryside Decorations: English Windmill, Green Creek, Flowery Well & More


A series of seven new decorative / building items were released in FarmVille this evening, with all seven being available in the current limited edition English Countryside item theme. All of these items can be purchased for either your Home Farm or your second farm, but remember, if you want the same item on both farms, you'll have to purchase two.

To start, there are two new buildings to purchase, in the form of the English Town Hall and the English Windmill. The Windmill is actually the more expensive of the two items (presumably because it animates), costing 20 Farm Cash to the English Town Hall's price of 15 Farm Cash. You'll gain a whopping 1500-2000 experience points for purchasing these items, so there's definitely some added incentive to do so if you even remotely like the look of them.

Meet us behind the break for a look at the true decorative items made available this evening.
