Official CityVille Game Bar launches, promises energy bonus every 8 hours

official cityville game bar zynga now avaiable
official cityville game bar zynga now avaiable

Attention all CityVillers -- Zynga has finally rolled out the official CityVille Game Bar, which is a browser add-on that will help you keep tabs on your game, even when you're not playing.

The bar will help you keep track of gifts, invites and let you know when goods are ready for collecting. As an added bonus, you will get an additional energy bonus every 8 hours just for using the darn thing.

cityville game bar bonus
cityville game bar bonus

CityVille's game bar is super simple to install (just click the giant Install button on this page and follow the directions) and will work in the following browsers: Internet Explorer 7 or higher, Firefox 2 or higher and -- the must- have browser for any serious social gamer -- Chrome.

Once it's installed, you will need to login to your Facebook account, and then you'll be able to keep tabs on CityVille and any number of other Zynga games (FarmVille, FrontierVille, et al) at all times -- even when you're at work or any other place you don't necessarily want to be caught tending to your virtual burg.

To install the CityVille Game Bar, go here.

Did you install the CityVille Game Bar? Is it actually helpful? Sound off in the comments.
