FarmVille LE English Countryside Decorations: Spring Pond, Stone Pieces, Green Hill & More


Hold onto your hats folks - a whole slew of new decorative items have been added to FarmVille's limited edition English Countryside theme this evening, and we've got a look at all of them right here for your browsing pleasure. There is one thing to note though - unless you're particularly interested in building a recreation of Stonehenge on your farm, these items might not interest you as much as others. Either way, there are nine (yes nine) new decorations to take a look at. We'll start with the non Stonehenge-related items.

These three are the Spring Pond, the Green Hill, and the Narcissus Hood. The Spring Pond and Green Hill cost Farm Cash, at 20 and 2 Farm Cash each, respectively. The Narcissus Hood, meanwhile, costs just 5,000 coins. It should be noted that Zynga seems to have once again forgotten that they have already named an item the same in the past, as the Spring Pond was an item originally released as a prize in 2010's Pot of Gold event. Note that this new English Countryside item is different (the original Spring Pond had ducks swimming in it, while this new version has a duck statue in the center), so don't feel like you're purchasing something that you could've gotten for free, as that simply isn't the case.

Meet us behind the break for a comparison between the two items, and a look at the other decorations that are now available.
