FarmVille English Countryside Sneak Peek: Garden Bar, Amazon Parrot, Spring Pond & More


We've come across an absolute treasure trove of new unreleased items in FarmVille, most of which look to be coming to the English Countryside item theme. We've got everything from garden items and exotic birds to all of the makings of a virtual Stonehenge for your farm.

The items are, from left to right in the image above: Garden Bar, Amazon Parrot, Spring Pond, Spring Picnic Table, Yellow Tulip Fountain, Green Hill, Narcissus, Stone Monolith Arch, Stone Monolith I, Stone Monolith II, Stone Monolith III, Stone Monolith IV, Stone Monolith V.

As you can see, there's a little something here for everyone, whether you're into birds, ancient architecture, or just like adding to your ever-growing English garden. We'll make sure to let you know how and when these items become available in the game (we're guessing some will launch as early as tomorrow evening), so keep checking back with us!

Will you try to recreate Stonehenge on your land, or do you like these other items more? Let us know in the comments.
