FrontierVille wants you to find friends to help 'dig your ass out'

frontierville dig your ass out
frontierville dig your ass out

One of my favorite things about Zynga's Wild West game FrontierVille is its suggestive, sometimes eyebrow-raising writing. No other Facebook game -- not even its siblings at Zynga -- have the brass knockers to ask its players to post messages that says "Libe's Toolbox needs Handlin'" or "Libe wants to pelt you with beaver" to their Facebook walls for all of their friends to see.

So, today, I was trying to help dislodge a sad brown mule from a puddle of mud on my frontier and got a pop-up with the following message: "You need six hearty friends to dig your ass out..." LOL. I'm sure more gentile FrontierVIlle players might feign horror, but if you have a sense of humor on par with a five-year-old (like me), well, you just might laugh your a-ess-ess off.
