FarmVille English Countryside: Lionhead Ale recipe available to all Pub owners


Whether you've been working on your English Countryside farm ever since its launch in FarmVille, or if you've just started working on it after the inclusion of an option to turn off Pause, there is a new recipe for you to create in your Pub crafting building. The recipe is called Lionhead Ale, and while it does require the Barley Crop which you may be saving for the Duke's Stout or other recipes, it will also give you something to do with those English Rose and new Royal Hops bushels that you'll likely have on hand before too long.

This recipe requires 3 Royal Hops bushels, 2 Barley bushels, and 2 English Roses bushels. While it might take you some time to master the original Hops crop in order to grow Royal Hops in the first place, remember that you can always claim some free bushels from your friends that have them on hand.

What do you think of this new crafting recipe? Let us know in the comments.
