FrontierVille Tips & Tricks: How NOT to complete the Canning Master Goals


Did you take one look at the Canning Master goals in FrontierVille, which (when all is said and done) require you to give away 170,000 Food and scoff at the requirements? Are you okay with leaving a mission set uncompleted on your land, just so you can keep your Food? Do you fear that you might accidentally complete these goals without really trying, only to suddenly lose all of your hard-earned Food?

If you answered yes to any of those questions (don't worry - you're not alone), we're here with a couple of tips that will allow you to stay as far away from the Canning Master goals as humanly possible, keeping all of your Food nice and safe in your game. The above image shows you a screenshot of what the first goal in the Canning Master series looks like. If you're like many farmers, you'll likely see the same two requirements (Butter and Food) automatically completed for you, due to your reserves. The easiest way to not complete this mission (and save the 5,000 Food, and beyond), then, is to simply never plant Tomatoes... ever again.

Of course, this isn't very reasonable, as we'll surely be given another goal at some point in the future that has us harvesting Tomatoes (that is, a goal that we don't mind completing), so meet us behind the break for other ways to save your Food.
