FrontierVille Canning Master Missions arrive, players predictably displeased


We brought you a sneak peek of FrontierVille's new set of Canning Master Missions back on April Fools' Day, and while the arguably ridiculous Food requirements (the missions will take a total of 170,000 Food from your account) might have seemed like a clever prank to celebrate the day, they are actually anything but, as they have started rolling out to users as any other set of missions would.

The high Food requirements haven't been lost on players, who immediately took to the game's official forums, already spawning a 26 page thread of users (and growing) that are mostly disappointed in the fact that these missions consume so much of your Food. While there are the heavy-hitting players that look at these missions as a challenge, most are like user "grobanite33," who says the following:

"I would perfectly fine with this if the food weren't going to be consumed. I've been playing since the beginning, seldom buy meals, and still only have about 45,000 food. I can't imagine losing all that and having to build it up from scratch for quest after quest."

Of course, these missions are entirely voluntary, and if you never choose to complete them, you'll never lose that much Food. Still, some users simply hate having an option mission on their account, and are taking even greater offense to their existence - so much so that Zynga has had to purge the thread of many, more than hateful comments.
