Ecotopia launches in private beta; help Harrison Ford save the world


Last month, we told you that Harrison Ford had partnered with Facebook game developer Talkie and Conservation International to create a new game, showing players just how important the environment is, and challenging them to take steps to save it. The game is called Ectopia, and this week, Talkie has started rolling the game out to a group of private beta testers.

There are some new screenshots available of the game, which looks like your average city-builder, but actually comes with a story, and environmentally conscious tasks, other than simply building houses. You'll need to clean up your city, transform power plants into eco-friendly wind farms, and even go so far as to travel to the rainforest to discover new species of animals like frogs - all in the goal of learning about nature, the environment, and ways you can protect it.

Check out the rest of the game's screens behind the break.
