Foreclosure Mill Kings Fight Back, Sue Banks


Two former foreclosure mills that served Freddie Mac, Chase Home Loans, U.S. Bancorp and other lenders are retaliating against the outfits that hired them to push hundreds of thousands of Florida foreclosure cases through the court system at robotic speed.

Attorney David Stern, pictured, who has been dubbed the Foreclosure Mill King, as we previously reported in "Foreclosure King Falls From Grace," is suing Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. and seven other mortgage lenders for around $15 million. In the March 23-filed lawsuit he says it is because the government-run mortgage company still owes him $1.3 million for his legal services, and the others owe him too.

Another Florida foreclosure mill known for its robo-signing tactics, Ben-Ezra & Katz, is being a bit more passive-aggressive.
