Where Famous Architects Live (Photos)

starchitect homes
starchitect homes

For 'house porn' devotees, architects are the Spielbergs and Polanksis of their realm. With that in mind, Curbed turned the spotlight on the world's most renowned starchitects to compile a gallery of their very own masterfully designed homes. From Philip Johnson's remarkable Glass House to the desconstructivist musings of Frank Gehry, Curbed runs the full gamut of starchitect homes. Read on for the full story.

The world's best architects spend so much time designing buildings for other people it's hard to imagine there's time for their own homes. But when a starchitect, so to speak, designs for themselves, it's bound to be something special. Take Philip Johnson's Glass House (above) in New Canaan, Conn., where the architect lived from 1949 until his death in 2005. The glass-and-steel construction might not be everyone's idea of a comfortable living situation-after all, privacy wasn't a priority for Johnson, clearly-but that doesn't prevent the glass-and-steel construction from drawing thousands of design-minded tourists every year. With that in mind, we went looking for the next Glass House.
