FarmVille LE English Countryside Decorations: Rose Iron Fence, Garden Picnic & More


If you don't have a lot of Farm Cash saved up to spend on English Countryside decorations in FarmVille, you'll be happy to know that in tonight's update, three of the four newly released decorative items are available for coins, rather than Farm Cash.

These three items are the Rose Iron Fence, the Garden Picnic (which instantly reminded me of the Mad Hatter's tea-party, what with the different types of chairs and seeming disorganization of it all), and the Secluded Hideaway, which is swinging bench that has been overgrown with ivy. These three items cost 7,000 coins, 150,000 coins and 100,000 coins, respectively. As usual, the more the item costs, the more experience points you'll receive as your purchase reward.

For the one Farm Cash item, it comes in the form of an English Carriage, being pulled by two horses. The English Carriage costs 16 Farm Cash to add to your farm, and you'll gain 1600 experience points for purchasing it.

All four of these items will be available for the next two weeks, and all four are also able to be placed on either your Home Farm or your English Countryside farm, but remember, if you want the same item on both farms, you will have to purchase it twice.

Check out the rest of our English Countryside coverage right here.

Which of these new decorative items are your favorite? Will you take advantage of the ability to spend more coins than Farm Cash with this update? Let us know in the comments.
