FarmVille English Countryside Sneak Peek: Emperor's Hops sprout up

Emperor's Hops
Emperor's Hops

Zynga has wasted no time in releasing new crops, buildings and more to its FarmVille expansion, English Countryside. In fact, FarmVille Freak is finding hints at new crops in unexpected places like the game's Mastery charts. At this point, you have to think at least some of these leaks are intentional. (Very sneaky, Zynga.)

Players have reported finding a crop called Emperor's Hops in their Mastery charts within the game. There's no information given about the crop other than that it will take 780 harvests to reach the first Mastery tier. At the very least, it's safe to guess that Bushels from the Emperor's Hops will be used in future Pub recipes. Either way, we'll surely find out everything we need to know about these apparently superior hops soon enough.

[Image Credit: FarmVille Freak]

Check out the rest of our English Countryside coverage right here.

Have you seen this unreleased crop in your Mastery charts yet? What type of beers do you think Emperor's Hops will create? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
