10,000 Free Glasses This Friday at CoastalContacts.com

Snag a pair of free glasses, prescription included, starting tomorrow, March 25, 2011, at 12 p.m. EST. That's when CoastalContacts.com is giving away 10,000 free pairs of glasses to U.S. residents. You pay for shipping, handling ($10-$15) and any upgrades (like tints, stronger prescriptions, anti-glare).

Get your free glasses by "liking" the CoastalContacts Facebook page through the link above. Then click on the "Free Glasses" tab on the left to get your coupon code. (Note, if you are not on Facebook, use coupon code USAFREE). If you already liked the fan page, the code will show up automatically. Copy and paste that code into a safe spot, then use the tools at CoastalContacts.com to find a pair of glasses that fit. Plug in your coupon code as you check out to get your glasses for free.

The CoastalContacts website has been slow on past freebie days, so it's a good idea to pick out a few pairs today. Then wait to plug in the coupon and check out tomorrow, shortening the time you need to be on the site. If you have any problems, call customer service at 1-866-333-6888.

If you or someone in your household already got a pair of free glasses from CoastalContacts, you are not eligible for this free glasses giveaway. Free glasses orders made from the same computer will be canceled.

Caveats: A select number of pairs are not eligible for the free promotion and will be marked as such. Free glasses come with 1.5 index lenses only. Sunglasses are not included in the free giveaway. All upgrades, including coatings, progressives, bifocals, tints and high index lenses are not included with this offer, but are available at 25% off.

Check back later today and through the week for more free stuff at WalletPop.
