FarmVille LE English Countryside Items: English Rose Arch, English Barn & More


Tonight's FarmVille update brought with it one new decoration, two new buildings, and a new vehicle in the new English Countryside limited edition theme. To clarify, this theme of items can be purchased for your original farm, and are available to purchase as normal from the store, whether you've decided to travel to the English Countryside expansion or not.

These two buildings are functional, and come in the form of the English Barn and English Tool Shed. The Tool Shed is the cheaper of the two items, costing 100,000 coins, while the English Barn costs 30 Farm Cash. Both of these buildings are in the same dark brown and gray theme that we've seen of the actual English Countryside's buildings, so they really fit the theme well. Remember, the overall storage limit in-game is still 500 items, so even if you purchase these items for your Home Farm, if you already have 500 slots of storage unlocked, you won't receive more.
